It was too risky to take my camera out this morning so I've pilfered a pic from Google to show what we did:

Pretty awesome! Bit scary when the horses started to splosh around checking for caimen when the swamp water was mid-way up our calves but made it out alive and impressively dry. Spent the next 5 hours sunbathing, reading & chilling in a hammock then went on another safari in the truck which was epic. Our guide said she saw the most wildlife she's ever seen in all the Pantanal safari trips she's been on! We saw toucans - I often get these muddled with dodos so got REALLY excited because I thought they were extinct - baby pumas casually crossing the track up ahead, hawks, capybara (giant rodent like creatures), jabiru (a type of stork), macaws, a fox and a lifeless anaconda being guarded by a hungry cayman. Not too shabby, especially when the Pantanal is the size of France so equally likely you won't see anything.

Only shower drama today was finding a live beetle in my hair, although quite keen to reach civilisation tomorrow & leave some of these mosquitos behind! Think my lips have had some kind of allergic reaction to the deet in my insect repellant because they're all swollen and tingly - blah. Such horrid stuff, makes everything you touch sticky & if you hold your water bottle in a certain way you end up with a tattoo of the label on your forearm. Anyway...hammock time then off to Bonito in the morning!