Written Wednesday 14 May
And sleep I did - got up at half past midday and didn't feel guilty in the slightest, it was amazing. Just as well too, needed the energy for another day of exploring the city by foot. Between 2 and 9pm I sat down for 15 mins - knackered! Feel great though, it's so good to walk rather than sit in a bus. Probably not the wisest choice doing this in America but I'm trying to detox over the next 10 days - healthy food, walking lots etc. Had a fruit orgy in the evening - my first tomato for 6 weeks!
So...I saw the spit of Leonardo di Caprio today...then Googled whether he has a place here and he does...hmm! Was going to ask for a selfie either way but by the time I'd got over the initial 'woah' he was long gone. Was also just metres away from Obama this afternoon - although he was in a car with blacked out windows so not sure that counts!
My route took me to Bloomingdale's first to have a quick look round - it's just like House of Fraser so wasn't exactly blown away! The next stop on my little self-guided tour was cool though - 5 sections of the Berlin Wall tucked into a quiet lunch spot away from the hubbub of the city.

Hopped on Fifth Avenue (loving the grid system and street names, makes it so much easier to get around) and had a mosey around American Girl, a really quite creepy doll store where there's even a doll hair salon and ear piercing boutique. Madness! Skidaddled out of there and sauntered through Times Square. Tom's gf (yes, a lot has happened since I've been away! My godmother also had a baby yesterday, so exciting!) recommended the Toys R Us store which was a good shout. It's like London's Hamleys only - dare I say it - better? From the Ferris wheel at the entrance to a giant Lego Empire State Building and a life size moving T-Rex, there's so much going on you don't know where to start. Although I have to admit, I think it was probably the giant minion that swung it...

Walked for ages to High Line park - constructed on a former elevated freight railway built in the 1930s. Drizzly but nice and got to see the less 'touristy' side of NY.

Wanted to do the ESB in the evening but it got really foggy so I think I'll leave it til the weekend. Actually quite relieved the forecast for the next couple of days is cloud/fog/rain - means I can have some lazy days without feeling too guilty!