Written Wednesday 21 May
There are lots of things that you don't want to hear on a hangover, one of which being that your bank has placed 'restrictions' on your debit card on the basis of suspected fraud. Apparently they had a freakout over a $25 baggage payment I'd made to Virgin America - never mind the cash withdrawals I've been making in Ecuador, Bolivia and Brazil! Clowns. I told them I was going travelling before I left and they assured me I wouldn't have any problems...luckily it all got sorted in about 20 mins (thanks mumma!) but still, grrr.
Not really sure what to do today. LA is huge, it sprawls for miles in every direction so the easiest way to get around is by car. Using public transport, the beach is 2 hours away, Beverley Hills is 1 hour away and there's not much to do in Hollywood...might have an admin day of blog and laundry, woop!