Written Tuesday 13 May
Being awake for almost 40 hours straight does funny things to you. Aside from the fact that I can barely keep my eyes open, I've just sprinkled salt onto the courgettes on my plate because I thought they were potatoes. Consequently disappointed in the lack of potatoes and that the courgettes - keeping in mind I haven't seen a nice looking vegetable for about 6 weeks - are covered in salt and looking rather shrivelled. I want bed! Although a bit scared to go back to the hostel now - when I got there to check in at 8pm the karaoke was in full swing in the tiny reception area and the manager decided to put on Dirty Dancing, make me run towards him, jump and put my hands on his shoulders and let him lift me ridiculously high in the air in a sort of planking position while I screamed like a crazy. First time I'd met him and all the other people in the lobby including my roomie...! Interesting welcome, looks like I'm going to have fun here/get coerced into embarrassing episodes on a daily basis.
Managed to escape for dinner and a quiet sit down, much needed after a busy day flitting between tourist attractions - did Staten Island ferry to see the Statue of Liberty, walked along Wall Street, went to the 9/11 memorial site, strolled through Central Park (saw a red-tailed hawk and its chicks in a new nest), stood in the middle of Times Square and popped into Grand Central Station on the way back. Roomies asked whether I wanted to do Top of the Rock with them tonight which was really sweet but I'm totally spent - need sleep!