Written Saturday 17 May
After about 3 hours of sleep, a lazy day was very much in order. It was really sunny woohoo so made a beeline for the beach - Coney Island! Felt very American today - had a bagel for breakfast, a hot dog for lunch and worked the subway like a boss. Did very little other than stroll along the promenade and loll around on the beach :)

Need to get my tourist on again tomorrow - still haven't been up the Empire State! Although this plan could well be foiled by another night out, this time to a rooftop bar :) Had an amazing eve - found 12% wine to prelash, totally skipped the massive queue (thanks again British accent) then spent the evening sipping wine & homemade lemonade and mingling with New Yorkers with the Empire State glittering in the background. There were even fluffy red dressing gowns on hand when it started to get chilly - epic! Top night.