Written Sunday 27 April
Being talked at by an old man who insisted I had German blood coursing through my veins and proceeded to heil Hitler in the middle of the plaza wasn't exactly what I had in mind for today - but at least I'm mingling with the locals? Other than mooching round the markets, soaking up the evening sun and avoiding any further inappropriate reminders of the past, achieved very little this afternoon. Has been nice!

Getting v.fed up with the shoddy computers and internet though - one of the 5 machines in the lobby actually works, and even that's missing one of the buttons! Couldn't log onto my account to edit my blog for ages and to load photos on FB had to hold the camera cable in a fixed position for the duration - looong. Everything seems to be broken or incredibly slow here, like when the group goes out for dinner together it can take half an hour or more between the first and last person receiving their meals. Finding this aspect hard to adjust to, especially when tired and hungry after a long stint of travelling or when I have multiple blogs to load after several days without internet. Blah. 18 hour train journey tomorrow + what could be several hours crossing the Brazilian border + a 5 hour transfer to the Pantanal. Oh.dear.god. Spending tomorrow morning stockpiling food, magazines and deet!