From England to Ecuador and beyond

From England to Ecuador and beyond

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Quito - on route to Galapagos

Written Saturday 5 April

Even the bus journeys here are something to get excited about. I'm a big lover of staring out of windows on buses with absolutely zip going through my mind, but the landscape as we drove through Quito to the airport had me gawking out the window and captivated from start to finish. Being so high up, many of the houses are actually above the morning clouds; a stunning scenic treat which took the edge off a 4.30am start. Those a little lower down find themselves enveloped in the clouds, which form a protective blanket over these uniquely beautiful villages.

I found myself looking down into cavernous green valleys as our bus drove across a rickety looking bridge and then up at the majestic snowcapped peaks of Cotopaxi volcano. Also saw a Papa John's and a Pizza Hut which detracted slightly from the experience - however, it just goes to show that even on the other side of the world, things aren't so different.

T-minus 1 hour until Galapagos...